The 50th anniversary of the Historic Preservation Act provides an opportunity for Coloradans to step back and appreciate the substantial, wide-ranging contributions that historic preservation has made in our state. Of particular interest are the economic benefits generated through the federal, state, and local programs that support historic preservation. Broadly, these programs fall into three categories:
- Preserving Place: Programs that support improvements made to individual historic places;
- Preserving Our Communities: Programs that support the revitalization and preservation of historic neighborhoods and commercial areas; and
- Celebrating Colorado: Programs that focus on highlighting the unique and historic aspects of our state, complementing Colorado’s wider tourism promotion objectives.
The economic contributions of the programs in these three areas are significant and form a powerful argument for why historic preservation is a worthy endeavor for Coloradans and their local governments. For example:
- Approximately 14 new jobs are generated for every $1 million spent on the preservation of historic buildings.
- Since 1981, historic preservation projects in Colorado have created over 27,000 jobs and generated a total of nearly $3.9 billion in direct and indirect economic impacts and adding $2.2 billion to Colorado’s GDP.
- Designation of local historic districts stabilizes and strengthens neighborhoods and commercial areas, typically enhancing property values as a result.
- Preservation programs foster learning, creativity, community pride, and identity, making historic cities and towns desirable places to live and work.
- Historic preservation is increasingly a key driver behind the state’s powerful tourism industry, promoting unique historic destinations in every corner of our state.